St. George Hotel - Medical SPA offers physiotherapy, combining natural - sea water, estuarine mud, lye and hardware techniques. Our therapists will recommend a complex of procedures suitable for you, depending on your condition and the desired effect.

Warm lye compresses have a powerful analgesic effect and can be applied to various areas of the body. Alkali inhalations are used to treat respiratory diseases. Ultrasound combines high frequency current and a healing substance that penetrates deep into the tissues. The hardware procedures are aimed at influencing a certain issue.

Electrotherapy20 min.18.00 BGN
Ultrasound (phonophoresis)10 min.20.00 BGN
Inhalation with lye10 min.15.00 BGN
Compress with lye20 min.18.00 BGN
Pressotherapy30 min.40.00 BGN
Apparatus anti-cellulite therapy45 min.40.00 BGN